Weed Control and Fertilization
We at Forevergreen are licensed thru the State of Alabama’s Department of Agriculture for Ornamental Turf Pest Control.
Our Weed Control and Fertilization program consists of seven applications spread over an entire year. Our application program is designed to address the changing needs of your lawn through out the changing seasons. Applications are approximately every seven weeks and consist of both dry and wet applications for pre-emergence, weed control, and fertilization. When coupled with one of our Lawn and Bed Maintenance Programs your home’s landscape will receive the best of professional coordinated services.
Their is a big advantage to having the Lawn Maintenance and Weed control and Fertilizing done by the same company. We schedule the lawn spraying lawn maintenance accordingly to insure that the fertilizing and spray application will take their full effect. For example if Turf Doctor was to spray your lawn and in the same day your lawn crew where to cut your yard, the spray application would become obsolete because the chemical has not had time to trans-locate through out the plant. The same with fertilizing, if a yard has been fertilized the same day as the cutting crew came, a majority of that fertilizer will be blown away and taken off your yard.
We have the appropriate business licenses and permits in Madison Co., Huntsville City, and Madison City. We also carry the appropriate Contractor’s Liability Insurance policies required by the State of Alabama.